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New York Raven Takes Manhattan

A month 5 days in New York my stay here was very unique awkward and very scary. Seeing a lot of guys shedding on things the way the YouTube channel shows crime and all that I haven't seen that yet for myself but it's people when you try to say hi they won't say a word when you ask a cop that's on a bad day for directions well he told me to f*** off so right now you're reading a Blog of me walking 7:47 I mean 744 a.m. Saturday the 25th of May I'm walking on the street called Church our final destination would be the Trump Towers and that is on the 5th Street so I got to take Church head like I'm heading to 6:00 and find out which way is 5th and Google Maps so the next post when you read is going to be about Trump Towers so make sure you guys follow like and share my name is Raven and I am in New York Manhattan on this day the sky is blue and the sites are very how I say it nice sweet and oh my God it's a good looking beautiful day and I saw two potatoes o...

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